Here’s what we believe - and our commitment to you.
Change is the only constant
The changes in communications are the ongoing story of our careers. The last 20 years have seen organisational and management priorities shift from shareholders to stakeholders in response to the climate crisis, ESG and societal polarisation.
There has also been a massive shift from print to digital and a move to fragmented and social forms of media. This is daunting but incredibly exciting and presents a huge opportunity for internal and external organisational communication.
We can help you predict and plan for change, listen to market signals and exploit opportunities with an eye to the future. We can also help you create a shared vision so your team is inspired to stay with you on your journey.
Sustainability and growth
Culture, commerce and society are in a state of flux. The global axis is shifting from the US and Europe to Africa, Middle East and Asia. The premise of capitalism and international trade is under scrutiny.
A leader's priority is to ensure that an organisation's proposition is fit for purpose. Next, you need to understand how to lead a sustainable organisation. This means balancing the creation of economic value with the environment and society.
We’ll help challenge your proposition and learn at a faster rate than your competitors, giving you a sustainable competitive advantage.
Working better and smarter
Technology promises to help us become more efficient and smarter at what we do, but the human element is frequently ignored. This has become especially acute with the emergence of AI.
Analytics, data, measurement tools and planning frameworks have huge promise in modernising and driving the transformation of corporate communications and public relations teams. We can help develop workflow and engage teams as part of a learning and development effort.
Hard work and difficult jobs
Sometimes you need to pull together a team of grown-ups to get a job done. That might be a tricky piece of business development, a refinancing or reorganisation, an emergency crisis response, or a thorny multi-stakeholder challenge.
Please consider adding us to your team if you’re facing a difficult challenge. We’re highly qualified directors and experienced practitioners, driven by hard work and the satisfaction of a tough job well done.
The internet is a conversation
Digital communications removed the constraints of word count and deadline from the media. It’s led to a decline in creativity and content. That’s a bad thing. Organisations for their part have failed to learn that the internet is a conversation.
Excellent marketing or public relations should start with identifying and listening to an audience or public. Campaigns should be based on a creative idea rooted in insight, and content that inspires a conversation.
We support the development of best practice communications irrespective of content, channel or community.
Teaching and development
Continuous professional development should be the norm in fast-moving occupations such as management, corporate communications and public relations. It is shameful that it isn’t.
We'll help you and your team build a competency framework aligned to your proposition and objectives, and then hold you accountable to ongoing learning and development.
Representing the communities that we serve
Strong, authentic leadership has never been more needed to help organisations build trust with employees, customers, prospects, and other stakeholders. It requires high levels of intellectual firepower and emotional intelligence and can be a lonely and challenging role.
We support and mentor executives, encouraging them to be accountable to their own values in their leadership role. We are particularly skilled with balancing professional and caring responsibilities.
Step up as a leader
Agency and communication teams should reflect the audiences that they seek to serve. The best way to achieve this is to ensure a balance of diversity that is representative of society and includes people from all backgrounds.
Our work examining the future of the industry and through Socially Mobile means we are well placed to advise and access a pipeline of talent – practitioners as ambitious and hungry as us to do great work for great people in the creative industry space.