Book review: The Company and the Activist Going Beyond PR
Sometimes a book comes along that’s bang on the zeitgeist, and The Company and the Activist: Going Beyond PR is one such book.
Book Review: Women’s Work in Public Relations
A new anthology shines a spotlight on the persistent challenges faced by women working in public relations.
Book Review: Internal Communication Strategy
Rachel Miller's new book Internal Communication Strategy offers a practical, step-by-step guide to organisational communication by developing a robust internal communication strategy.
Book Review: Can Marketing Save the Planet
Marketing can no longer ignore its impact on the environment. This is the stark message from leading marketing professionals and authors Michelle Carvill and Gemma Butler.
Book Review: The Nowhere Office – Reinventing Work and the Workplace of the Future
The Nowhere Office explores how the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated changes in the nature of work have created a new type of office - a virtual space that is harder to define or manage.
Book review: Leading the Listening Organisation
A new book Leading the Listening Organisation advocates for organisations to adopt a culture of active, empathetic listening to employees to drive better business outcomes.
Book review: Wallman and Edwards strike again
The creative duo Ryan Wallman and Giles Edwards have produced a hilarious and thought-provoking sequel to their book Delusions of Brandeur. It is every bit as good as the original.
Book Review: Purposeful Brands
A marketing industry insider explores how a sector built on promoting consumption adapts to promoting positive behaviour change that doesn’t cost the earth.
Book Review: Building a Culture of Inclusivity
Building a Culture of Inclusivity: Effective Internal Communication for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will help to remove a lot of the confusion, doubt and fear related to diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) for internal communicators.
Book review: Everyday Communication Strategies
Amanda Coleman's Everyday Communications Strategies provides advice on proactively managing issues in corporate communication.
Book Review: A Century of Spin
A Century of Spin critiques the public relations industry's role in facilitating corporate propaganda and undermining democracy. It’s a polemic takedown of public relations practice. It is itself an exercise in public relations.
Meeting Marc C. Whitt
A comment by Marc C. Whitt on a LinkedIn post led to me reading his book When In Doubt, Make Applesauce! and a wide ranging conversation about public relations practice.
Book Review: Copywriting is… by Andrew Boulton
An exceptional book about the craft of writing.
Public relations capitalism versus societal purpose
Anne M. Cronin challenges the role of public relations in society and its contribution to organisational purpose.
Book review: The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters
Our emotional response to safety, food, sex and self-actualisation will always trump rational thinking. Don’t be a dick.
Book review: Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns by Anne Gregory
Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns is a book to return to in daily public relations practice.
Book review: Post Corona by Scott Galloway
Post Corona is an early version of the history of the past 12 months and a guidebook for the changes to come in business and society.
Book review: Everybody Lies by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
A book about response bias, search listening and gaining consumer insights from big datasets.
PR must grow up and appreciate the value of qualifications, learning and research
A personal commitment as CIPR Past President in 2015 has led to the publication of the fifth edition of Exploring Public Relations and Management Communication.
Book review: Reputation Management by Tony Langham
A book that provides a blueprint for modern reputation management. Buy it for your boss.